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Aston martin DB10 "Spectre 2015" '15

Aston martin DB10 "Spectre 2015" 2015 (1:18)
Verkoopprijs: € 204,95
Bedrag BTW€ 35,57
Model : Aston martin DB10 "Spectre 2015" '15
Schaal : 1:18
Art. No. # CMC94
Merk : Hot Wheels
Kleur : Zilvergrijs
Type : DB10
Bouwjaar : 2015
Limited Ja
Materiaal : Die-Cast with, Plastic, Resin, e.d.
Kilogram  1.100
Uitvoering  : 2-Deurs 007 James Bond Auto
Diversen : Geen
UAN : 22455-A

The Hot Wheels James Bond Aston Martin DB10 - Spectre is a superbly detailed and highly collectable diecast model car in 1/18th scale from the Hot Wheels Elite Movie Collection.
The new DB10 has been developed specifically for use in the next James Bond film, and features design inputs from Mendes himself as he looks to create the ultimate car for the ultimate spy. Whats more, the DB10 wont be available to buy. They are making 10 for the film, then after filiming, who knows???
Manufacturer: Hot Wheels
Model: CMC94 James Bond Aston Martin DB10 - Spectre
Scale: 1/18