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"Grappler" Locust Drone

"Grappler" Locust Drone 7inch
Verkoopprijs: € 29,95
Bedrag BTW€ 5,20
Model : Grappler Locust Drone
Serie : Gears of War
Fabrikant : Neca
Schaal/Inch : 7
Artn. : #52090
Uitvoering : Includes Granade Hammerburst 2,0 and Gorgon Pistol Accessesories
Bijzonderh : "Grappler" Drones quicly scale vertical surfaces with their grappling
  : hooks as humanitu attempts to stay out pf reach of the Locust Horde.
UAN : 52090-P


Eenheden in doos: 1