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The Advanced Game Expansion

The Advanced "1e Game Expansion"
The Advanced Game Expansion
Verkoopprijs: € 17,94
Bedrag BTW€ 3,11
Model : The Advanced Game Expansion

Serie : Quest for the Dragon lords

Fabrikant : Dragon Lords Inc.

Schaal/Inch : Doos 27 X 27cm

Art No. : # 00003

Gewicht Kg. : 0,950

Uitvoering : Bord Spel Engels Talig

Materiaal : PVC, Vinyl, Polystone, Etc…

Limeted : NO

Bijzonderheden : Quest for the Dragon lords - The advanced game expansion

provides a new level of intrigue. Each zivilization has re-acquired

the knowledge from the past and is able to build great waepons

of war that includes fortification and siege engines.